Visual Arts
Student Work Gallery
Browse the images below to see a range of the explorations available in the studio for your young creatives. Scroll down for the Printmaking and Sculpture Galleries.
Children's Drawing
Student work Gallery
The album below contains drawing and painting exercises that students have completed at Hepworth Studios.
Mediums include watercolour, acrylic paint, collage, chalk pastel, oil pastel. ink & charcoal.
Mediums include watercolour, acrylic paint, collage, chalk pastel, oil pastel. ink & charcoal.
Children's Printmaking
Student work Gallery
Age appropriate techniques of lino printing, drypoint printing, screen printing & foam printing.
Hepworth Studios has a small printing press which enables intaglio printing methods.
Hepworth Studios has a small printing press which enables intaglio printing methods.
Children's Sculpture
Student work Gallery
Children's Sculpture techniques include modelling, carving, casting, construction & relief.